

Project Fact Sheet


Leaflet Training Framework

Workshops Proceedings


GeoSmartCity presentation in the Smart City Exhibition fair in Bologna , Italy, 22-24 october 2014

Piergiorgio Cipriano from Sinergis presented the GeoSmartCity project in the context of the last Smart City Exhibition fair in Bologna , Italy, 22-24 october 2014.


Barbara Leoni from Reggio Emilia Municipality presented the GeoSmartCity project and Reggio Emilia Pilot’s development in the context of the last Smart City Exhibition fair in Bologna , Italy, 22-24 october 2014.

GeoSmartCity presentation in the Kongres Smart Cities in Poznan, Poland, 14 october 2014.

Adam Kaput from Geobid presented the GeoSmartCity project in the context of a conference connected with building Smart Cities in Poland, in Poznań, Poland, 14 october 2014.

GeoSmartCity presentation of the underground service of the Pamplona use case at the SIG libre conference in Girona (24-26 May 2016).

Alvaro Huarte presented “Gestión inteligente de recursos hidráulicos en SmartCities: Integración de SCADA y EPANET en un servicio web SOS-52ºNorth”. presentation

Project Deliverables

Public Deliverables

List of Public Deliverables:

D2.1 Report on Scenarios, Use Cases and Requirements

D2.2 Report on GeoSmartCity data

D2.3 GeoSmartCity Hub technical requirement

D2.4 GeoSmartCity client technical requirements

D3.1 Underground scenario data model and Green Energy scenario data model

D3.2 Data harmonisation report

D3.3 Scenarios data services report

D6.1 Detailed designs of the end users applications (Pilots)

D6.2 Pilot assessment

D6.4 Good Practices and Lessons Learnt

D7.1; Short report

D7.2 GeoSmartCity Fact Sheet

D7.4.1 Dissemination and workshop material- Y1

D7.4.2 Dissemination and workshop material- Y2

D7.4.3 Dissemination and workshop material- Y3

D7.6 GeoSmartCity Training framework and Actions

D8.2 GeoSmartCity toolkit