GeoSmartCity implements a platform for the sharing and publication of geographical open data:
- Territorial and not
- Coming from different sources: Pas, Multiutilities, Companies, Citizens, Crowd-sourcing
The platform includes specialized web services to integrate the open geographical data with other geo-referred data (public or private)
functional to the management of infrastructures and services for the citizen, in the framework with Smart City and the European Digital Agenda.

GeoSmartCity has its main objective in creating a framework in which Geo Open Data from the cities are exploited towards the Smart City paradigm allowing the developing of various added value applications and new specialized services.
GeoSmartCity aims at developing at first such a virtuous framework and a line of activity supporting the European Cities in their Smart process. To be effective, GeoSmartCity will implement with various pilot applications two very important strategic scenarios for a Smart City: Green-Energy and Underground.
It‘s clear that the added value of GeoSmartCity Hub can be easily extended to support different scenarios other than the two addressed by the project. The proposed approach makes the proposed solution extendable to other important Smart processes and scenario like culture, geo-marketing; mobility, transport, urban planning, environment/health impact, etc.

GeoSmartCity will provide three key benefits:
- a compact virtual hub for integration and publishing of (a) local, web based, and real-time sensor or user- generated geo-information;
- a set of innovative location aware end-user services that facilitate the day-to-day operation and management of key municipal infrastructure sectors and public utilities activities;
- a GI-application-service eco-system that offers business opportunities for SMEs