The module is developed for the GeoSmartCity project ( Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within GreenMA in 2012 (
Authors: TICASS. The material is provided under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (

Overview of the building energy performance assessment activity and its role into improving the global energy consumption into the building sector. The energy performance of buildings correlates with a number of parameters, among these are the construction year, building size and neighbour situation, the type and age of the supply system and the question of already implemented energy saving measures.

The Energy Performance Certificates, first introduced at European level under the 2002 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), has gained in the last years importance becoming a key policy instrument for reducing the energy consumption and improving the energy performance of new and existing buildings.

An overview of EPCs implementation status across European Member States is provided, together with best practices analysis and further opportunities identification.

The module consists of these parts as follows:

  • Building Energy performance:
    • Buildings typologies;
    • Systems affecting energy performance.

  • Energy performance certificates:
    • Overview of national approaches;
    • Availability and usability of EPC data.
Learning outcomes

The present module attempts to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • To have a general understanding of the methodology used to determine the energy efficiency of buildings and factors to be taken into consideration
  • To appreciate the different opportunities related to a proper implementation of the EPC schema and of EPC data
Intended Audience

This seminar aims at managers, professionals as well as stakeholders interested in the energy efficiency in buldings.


No specific prerequisites, but basic knowledge about the function of the web is recommended.

Web lecture. The module is a self-learning module.
Expected workload
Expected workload is 1 hour.